
Frequently Asked Questions


How do I track my shipment?

Track your shipment on our website by entering your tracking number in the "Track Shipment" section. Get real-time updates on your delivery status.

What is the transit time for sending shipments?

Transit times vary between 1-45 working days based on the service type. Visit our website for more details or contact us for information.

I am expecting a shipment. When will I receive it?

The shipment delivery time varies depending on the place of origin. Once we receive your shipment, we will notify you and provide a tracking number.

How do I obtain my online username and password?

Create your online account by filling out the registration form on our website’s account login page.

I forgot my username and password. How can I reset them?

To reset your account information, please visit our website's account login page and provide your email address.

How do I raise enquiry, complaint, suggestion or feedback online?

What is the difference between actual weight and volumetric weight?

Actual weight is the package weight, while volumetric weight considers package dimensions. For example, a box volumetric weight is Length x Width x Height divided by 5000.

What is the maximum weight and size limits to send a shipment?

Package weight limit varies by service and destination. Size limit: no dimension over 1.04 meters

What is the addressing standard of Iraq and other countries?

Please follow format to send shipments to Iraq. Full Name Eagle Post # Physical Delivery Address (Building Name, Street, City, and Country) Address Description Phone Number

How can I send my shipments?

To send a domestic or international shipment, Kindly register to Eagle Post Account Register Page. , please visit any of our Eagle Post HQ, or call us on +9647505964000 or +9647505984000.

How do I cancel my booking?

To cancel your booking, kindly contact our Customer Service team on

+964 750 596 4000

+964 750 598 4000

+964 775 4000 888

and we will advise you accordingly.

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A leading postal service provider in the Kurdistan Region, was established in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications.

© 2024 All Right Reserved by Eaglepost

Looking for a reliable service?

Download Eagle Post App

A leading postal service provider in the Kurdistan Region, was established in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications.

© 2024 All Right Reserved by Eaglepost

Looking for a reliable service?

Download Eagle Post App

A leading postal service provider in the Kurdistan Region, was established in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications.

© 2024 All Right Reserved by Eaglepost

Looking for a reliable service?

Download Eagle Post App

A leading postal service provider in the Kurdistan Region, was established in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications.

© 2024 All Right Reserved by Eaglepost